Ankle Pain When Running: Causes, Treatment, and When to See Podiatrist in Tucson, AZ

Running is an excellent exercise not only for its health benefits but also for the convenience it brings. With running, you do not need to organize a group of people to run with you. There is no need to put up with the noise in the gym when you go running. However, as with other exercises, running brings the potential of injuries. In fact, even a 5k run can place gradual strain on your hips, feet, and knees. Also, the ankle is prone to several kinds of injuries. Persistent ankle pain is a common symptom of these injuries that prompts a visit to an expert in podiatry in Tucson, AZ


Why Do You Experience Ankle Pain When Running

Ankle pain during running can result from the following conditions:

  • Ankle sprain. This injury happens when you twist the ankle in the wrong direction. This stretches a ligament that holds the ankle bone together. Typically, an ankle heals from a sprain without intervention unless the ligament has been seriously damaged. But pain, bruising, limited range of motion, and swelling are symptoms of such injury. 
  • Ankle strain. Sometimes, this can occur due to long-term overuse of your ankle. That is why new recruits can experience this condition as they tend to march for long periods. As with a sprain, a strain on the ankle is often painful. Also, it is accompanied by loss of motion and swelling. Also, muscle spasms and cramps are common. 
  • Stress fractures. These small cracks can develop in the ankle bone because of excessive running, inadequate nutrition, and switching running surfaces. Stress fractures may result in bruising and swelling along with pain. Thankfully, a bone that received sa tress fracture can heal itself gradually. 
  • Tendinitis. This condition is tendon inflammation that can result from excessive exercise. Also, it can be caused by excessive repetition and ill-fitting shoes. Often, tendinitis causes swelling, which is less serious than a sprain or strain. 


How Ankle Pain Must Be Treated

Ankle pain is often managed with the RICE method. Rice represents:

  • Rest. While you might not want your running schedule to be interrupted, you must not put weight or unnecessary strain on the injured ankle for at least two days to relieve pain. 
  • Ice. Ice pack must be applied to the injured spot as quickly as you can. This should be done 4-8 times every day for 15-20 minutes each time. 
  • Compress. A compression sleeve, an Ace elastic bandage, or cohesive tape can be used to wrap the affected ankle to speed up natural healing. 
  • Elevate. As you lie down with the injured ankle, rest on many pillows. Position the ankle higher than your heart to relieve pain. 

Depending on the severity and the cause of your ankle pain, your treatment may also include physical therapy and surgery. The length of the necessary rest after ankle pain from running depends on what caused the pain and its severity. With minor injuries, you may need to rest for a few days or one week. But several weeks or months of rest may be necessary for serious injuries.


The Best Time to Visit a Podiatrist for Ankle Pain

While the RICE method can effectively relieve pain, it’s not enough to treat serious injuries. Medical attention may be necessary if your ankle pain persists after 3 days and you cannot run after a week of rest. Also, a visit to a podiatrist may be necessary if your ankle can’t support your body’s full weight. 

Do not assume that a physician cannot help you. Even if you experience mild ankle pain, a podiatrist can help you recover from it quickly, so you can get back to running.