Be proactive and make sure insurance keeps care affordable

Be proactive and make sure insurance keeps care affordable

Be proactive and make sure insurance keeps care affordable

Open enrollment is the yearly period during which people can enroll in, renew or change their health insurance coverage for the upcoming year.

There are several ways to enroll for health insurance in the coming months:

  • Open Enrollment for health insurance on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace Exchange is now open and continues through Jan. 15.
  • Many employers who offer insurance to their employees also have open enrollment to select health insurance for the coming year, usually between October and December.
  • Medicare Open Enrollment is from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. (the ACA Marketplace) has promised improved user experience, simplified plan choices and potential state variations during sign-up. And for the first time this year, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients can enroll in Marketplace plans.

No matter how simple the enrollment process is, it can still be confusing. Questions regarding what’s covered, what’s not covered, in-network, out-of-network, deductible, copays and much more are an annual refrain nationwide.

If you want to make changes to your Medicare coverage, open enrollment runs from Oct. 15-Dec. 7.

As a result of varying levels of coverage and annual changes typical for health insurance, everyone, whether signing up in the Marketplace or not, should take the initiative to ensure their plans provide the expected coverage.

Many people are unaware that some plans don’t cover primary, preventive and hospital care at Lee Health. In fact, several Marketplace plans currently exclude Lee Health as a participating provider. Without full coverage for the medical care provided by trusted doctors across our entire network of services, your healthcare costs could increase significantly.
