Pendulum people, Marketing & Advertising News, ET BrandEquity

Pendulum people, Marketing & Advertising News, ET BrandEquity

<p>Credits: Bhanu Garg</p>
Credits: Bhanu Garg

All marketing and advertising is essentially an effort at seeding the brand name/identity/offering/promise in the minds of the target consumer, so when the moment of decision arrives, the brand is in the list of considerations.

And that is not an easy shortlist to get into.

Step out on the road and we are bombarded by billboards in every direction. Advertising, in today’s era, is an inescapable phenomenon. Disposable incomes are going up, as is the inequality divide (quite a paradoxical situation), and each section of the population is the target of some or the other marketing effort, because hey, people gotta consume right?

Too many choices lead to that many decisions. And in the absence of clarity, we become pendulums swinging between one choice or the other.

Welcome, to the world of pendulum people. A world where we are swinging between buying promises of luxury or convenience, flashy or run-of-the-mill. We are constantly trying to balance a sense of nostalgia with a sense of curiosity and awe for the new, the modern.

And when we do make a choice, the pendulum stops. The buying journey comes to a close.
Years’ worth of advertising and marketing, culminates in this very moment. Hundreds of hours of talented people creating culture, digging into human insight, analysing marketing trends, ensuring proper messaging and so much more, for this one moment.

Kind of poetic, if you think about it, isn’t it?

<p>Credits: Bhanu Garg</p>
Credits: Bhanu Garg

Hyperlocal tastes make their way into Indian advertising

Localism is making headway in advertising as Indian companies increasingly adapt their messages to resonate with hyperlocal tastes and community identities, a ToI report said on July 5. The marked shift to hyperlocal narratives, highlighted in Kantar’s Creative Effective Study 2024, stems from a growing consumer demand for culturally rooted stories over pan-India narratives.

Imitating the human insight

Issac Asimov published ‘Robots and Empire’ some decades ago – a futuristic sci-fi series which introduced us to Daniel and Giskard. Daniel, a humanoid robot, indistinguishable from a human being, and Giskard, the slightly ‘primitive’ one who developed the ability to read human minds due to a freak update from its owner.

  • Published On Jul 8, 2024 at 07:51 AM IST

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